From the Secretary


Secretary : Veteran Barry Powell
22 Juliers Close
Canvey Island
Direct Dial: 01268 696342
February 2010


Dear Fellow Veteran 

First, let me wish all Veterans a healthy and prosperous 2010.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all new members to the Association and hope to see them at the Annual Reunion, which will be held on Saturday 17th April 2010.  The venue will again be the Marconi Athletic and Social Club, Beehive Lane, Chelmsford, where there is parking for those who travel by road. 

We are, again, producing a commemorative Coaster and one per person is included in the ticket price.  I will also have additional coasters, for sale, plus some coasters from previous years as well as a number of Ties, Scarves and Badges. 

Our President for 2010 is Veteran Ron H Bradbrook Engineering Manager Broadcast Transmitters MCSL. He will be introduced by Veteran Raymond P Rowe formerly Assistant Technical Director MCSL 

The Guest Speaker will be Ex Chief Superintendent George Harris of Essex Police (23 years in CID).  He was deeply involved in a number of Essex murder enquiries including that of Jeremy Bamber and also the visits, to Essex, of Royalty. 

The proceedings will be timed as follows: –

a)      Reunion at 12.00 noon

b)      Luncheon at 1.00 p.m.

c)      Annual General Meeting as soon as possible after b)

The menu for this year’s luncheon will be as follows: –

Steak and Mushroom Pie
Potatoes and Seasonal Vegetables
Sticky Toffee Pudding
Coffee, Cheese and Biscuits

 We appreciate that some Veterans may have special dietary requirements and would request that you indicate this on your application.

Our caterers have not increased the price for the luncheon this year and, so, we are pleased to maintain the ticket price at £21.00.  We are also holding the Subscription for 2010 at £5.00.  Those Veterans who wish to attend are requested to apply to the above address at the earliest possible date in order that I may properly assess the numbers. As usual, we invite donations but I must stress that if only a modest donation can be managed, or even none at all, please do not let this prevent you from attending the Reunion, as all donations will be treated in the strictest confidence.  To reduce administration, please combine your ticket price, subscription, etc. onto a single cheque which should be made payable to ‘Marconi Veterans’ Association’.

Please note that it is not acceptable for guests to bring their own drink or food into the Club. Please refrain from this practice as anyone doing so may be asked to leave the Reunion and could be refused a ticket in the future.  As last year, cheese & biscuits are included in our menu and additional bottles of wine can be purchased from the bar.

Your assistance is requested with seating arrangements and we ask you to indicate, on your ticket application, with which Company you would prefer to sit (i.e. Comms, Radar, Baddow, Basildon, Marine, MI). 

We are, again, inviting entries for the ‘Absent Friends’ book, containing messages from Veterans who were unable to attend.  Two copies will be produced and prominently displayed at the Reunion.  If you wish to place a message in the book, please use the space provided on the attached form.  Entries will be identified by name but no contact details will be provided unless you include them in your message. 

As the Association has a very limited income, and in order to keep our expenses to a minimum, receipts for Subscriptions and/or Donations will not be issued unless requested so we thank you in anticipation. 

Your Committee is prepared to receive any nominations, propositions or suggestions for submission to the AGM, providing they reach me in writing by 31st March 2010. 

As last year, we have to vacate the main hall as soon as the AGM is completed to enable the Club to prepare for an evening function.  We have arranged for the board room to be made available for you to continue the reunion.

 We are pleased to announce that a number of people have registered as ‘Friends of the Marconi Veterans’ Association’.  All ‘Friends’ receive the newsletter and we will do all we can to keep them in touch with ex-colleagues but they are not eligible to attend the Reunion.  If you know of anyone who would like to be included, please urge them to contact me, at the above address, as soon as possible.

I am often not informed when a Veteran dies, and in these circumstances, I would like to extend my condolences to members of the families who receive this letter and apologise for any distress or inconvenience caused.  Should you be aware of any Veterans who have passed away recently, I would appreciate it if you would let me know so that I can amend our records and avoid any embarrassment.

 We trust that you will accept this letter as a very cordial invitation to attend the Seventy-Fourth Reunion, but if, for any reason, you cannot be with us, your Committee would like to take this opportunity to wish you the very best of luck and good health for the future.

I look forward to seeing you at the Reunion.

With kindest regards

I am yours sincerely 

Veteran Barry Powell


Newsletter 2010

Number 12, January 2010

Some of the articles included in the annual paper copy of the Newsletter have appeared on this site over the past year.  They are repeated here for completeness and so that the two versions of the newsletter are similar.  Webmaster. 

Should I go back?

Another fourteen page edition this year. At the last committee meeting at the beginning of December I reported that I appeared not to have enough material even for twelve pages due to a lack of contributions. I needn’t have worried.  Regrettably though, despite the appeal in the last edition, nothing from lady veterans.

As an ex-Avionics man I’m very pleased to have two or, stretching a point three, items on aeronautically related subjects.  And that prompts me to digress a little – I beg your indulgence but the end point probably chimes with many of you.

In the 60s a popular local trio, Talisman, entertained audiences in Essex and beyond with a mix of songs, much of it their own material with folk/jazz/blues/cabaret influences, with purely acoustic guitar and bass accompaniment. I think they appeared before audiences at the MASC on a number of occasions. Who remembers Chessy Harrington’s rendering of Piaf’s ‘Non, je ne regrette rien’?  Anyway, one of their numbers, entitled ‘Never try to go back’ told of the likely disappointment for anyone attempting to revisit the fondly remembered places of their earlier years.

I share with a handful of other Veterans the interesting experience of having been stationed at RAF Watton in Norfolk in the 50s. During WW2 it had been the home of RAF and USAAF units, the latter a maintenance unit responsible for repairing battle-damaged Liberators from surrounding operational bases. In my time it was the Central Signals Establishment, involved in cold war signals intelligence and countermeasures activities, flying a motley variety of interesting aircraft.

Regularly holidaying on the North Norfolk coast from the 60s onwards, my wife and I detoured that way to have look whilst returning home in 1993. The old place was there much as I remembered it, but in the guardroom local enthusiasts had set up a very good museum, devoted at that time principally to its WW2 history. They intended later to widen the collection to cover the cold war period. The visit brought back a number of fond memories.

Forward to 2009, again after a holiday in Salthouse, we returned for another look, and to see the museum’s new material.  Disaster, the guardroom was no more and whole area was a very sizeable housing development. The former pattern of internal roads had been incorporated into the layout of the estate, bearing names like Mosquito Close and Liberator Avenue, but otherwise it was unrecognisable. It was of course a very appropriate use of what had become a brown-field site. We have to move
on, but it caused me a moment or two of sadness.

The moral is, think carefully before you decide to go back, but if you must, do a little homework first of all – a spur-of-the moment visit might bring disappointment.

In Memoriam

We regret to report the deaths of the following Veterans and extend our sympathy to the families of those mentioned.

L Argent
L Binks
D R Robinson
Mrs R Shelton
L T Simpson

This list was correct on 25 January 2010 and supersedes the list published on  7 December 2009.

Max Stothard

We have received the following message from Sir Peter Stothard that veterans may find interesting:

Members who remember my father, Max Stothard, may be interested to read the current issue of Granta Magazine . .online link  . . .which has a memoir of him and the early days of the Marconi estate from my book, On The Spartacus Road, which is published this week.


Thanks and best wishes. Peter Stothard


BAE Pensions

We recently received the folllowing e-mail from one of our veterans:

I am wondering if you might be able to assist please?

I was contacted in November last year by BAE Pensions (Xchanging) to be informed that they have found in an audit that they have made an error in calculating my pension which I took out 3 years ago. As a result I have been asked to repay approx £3,000 and take a drop in my monthy pension by £30 per month.

I believe that there may be other pensioners that will be in a similar situation and I’d like to try to contact them.

It is difficult to try to take professional advice on such a sum as the costs would far exceed the amounts involved. So far I am dealing with The Pensions Advisory Service who are being helpful in trying to understand how such errors happen? (apparently they are not uncommon!)

I am in the process of contacting all and sundry to seek some assistance so if you have some contacts on the BAE Pension Scheme I’d be most grateful. As the old Marconi Pension has been absorbed by so many other companies it is more complicated than many.

Thanking you in advance.

In the present circumstances it is impossible for the Marconi Veterans Association to offer any direct assistance in this matter. We have no legal expertise within the organisation.   However, if any other Veterans have had similar problems with the BAE Pension Scheme it may be that a small group acting together could acheive a satisfactory solution to the problem.

So, if anyone with a similar problem would like to contact us we will put you all in contact with each other.

In Memoriam

We regret to report the deaths of the following Veterans and extend our sympathy to the families of those mentioned.

W A Dix
C Griffiths
P C Lacey
D C Price

This list was correct on 7 December 2009 and supersedes the list published on 14 September 2009.

Defence Electronics History Society

The Defence Electronics History Society is likely to be of interest to Veterans who haven’t already come across it.  It focusses on the development of electronics as applied to the defence of the United Kingdom and other countries over a period which will coincide with the careers of many Veterans.

The society has a web site that gives an outline of the organisation.  Unfortunatley, the site does not include archive material but it does list recent Transmission Lines newsletter articles and a range of DEHS publications. The contents of these publications cover UK and overseas defence electronics activities from WW1, through the Cold War, to recent times, including some involving the Marconi companies.  All DEHS publications and events are available to non-members, although DEHS would welcome Marconi Veterans to join. DEHS and colleagues from IET and IEEE are hosting CAVMAG 2010 – an international conference on the origins and evolution of the cavity magnetron - at Bournemouth University on 19/20 April 2010 – see for details and to book.”

In Memoriam

We regret to report the deaths of the following Veterans and extend our sympathy to the families of those mentioned.

G R Boyce
A J Butt
R V Hall
D A R F Johnson
A S Munday
J M Robinson
B L Sargent
A G Spooner
S R Tydeman
R L Varney
R J Williams
N H Wills
J S Wood

This list was correct on 14 September 2009 and supersedes the list published on 18 May 2009.

Arthur Spooner

We regret to announce the death of committee member, Veteran Arthur Spooner.

The funeral was on Thursday 27th August at 1.15 p.m. at

Christchurch Chelmsford United Reformed Church

If you wish to make a donation it is requested that this is to either Cancer Research UK or The British Heart foundation.  Donations may be made via the funeral directors

T Pennack & Sons,
1-3 Maldon Road,
Great Baddow,
Chelmsford, CM2 7DW

Phone: 01245 471157

For an appreciation of Arthur please click here

MOGS (Marconi Old Geezers Society)

We have been advised by the moderator, Ian Gillis, about the above society.   It is an informal group of ex Marconi employees who may not all be veterans.   They run a forum on Yahoo that can be accessed at and where more details of the society can be found.

From the point of view of meetings it will be of particular interest to those living in Chelmsford and district but their forum is open to people worldwide.

If you are logged in to the forum there are some good photographs of the 2007 Veterans Reunion in the photos section.