Marconi Statue in town centre?

This article was first published on Friday 23 April 2004 in the Essex Chronicle to whom due acknowledgement and thanks is given.

marconi_highstreetwebThis is how the statue of wireless pioneer Marconi could look when it is moved to a new home in Chelmsford town centre, as suggested by the Essex Chronicle last year. Essex Chronicle picture editor Mike Rose mocked up this computer-generated image to illustrate plans to transfer the statue from its current location at the Essex Records Office to outside Lloyds Bank.

Council chief executive Martin Easteal revealed: “Because the Marconi Centre is clearly not going to materialise at Chelmer Waterside, at least in the time frame previously planned, the future of the Marconi Statue has been reviewed. “A team of council officers from the Architects and Town Planning Services is now looking at a prominent site in the High Street – close to High Chelmer and Lloyds Bank – as its final home”.

Marconi Veterans Association vice chairman Peter Turrall said: “The Essex Chronicle and the Veterans Association have said all along it should go in the High Street. We are delighted with the move.”