In Memoriam

We regret to report the deaths of the following Veterans and extend our sympathy to the families of those mentioned.

Clifford Stanley Barham1956
Lester Carl Bearcroft1965
Billy (Bill) Orton Cooke1935
Malcolm Trevor Daniels1954
David A Hills1959
James (Jimmy) Anderson Leadbitter1942
Dr John R Mark1956
Mrs Audrey D Parmenter1944
Robert Reeve1949

This list was correct on 01 December 2016 and supersedes the list published on 24 October 2016

We have intentionally kept this page as simple as possible and provide minimal details of the deceased.  However, where we have biographical details of a person and/or funeral details these will be published under the Notices tab above.

At the request of some Veterans we have, starting with this post, included Given names where these are known to us.

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