Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society

The MVA does not normally mention CARS as they have their own web site on which all their activities are recorded.  However, their forthcoming meeting has items that will be of particular interest to To Marconi people and the note from the CARS secretary is included below:

At the next monthly meeting of the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society three Club members will be giving short talks each of 35-40 minutes.  They are; A Century Not Out— WW1 Trench and Airborne Wireless sets, Magic Quarter Waves and Marconi’s Hidden Museum. The meeting will be held at Oaklands Museum, Moulsham Street, CM2 9AQ on Tuesday July 4th
The first talk by Brian Styles, an avid collector of all things scientific will discuss and display a one hundred year old working WW1 Mk-III ‘trench’ receiver and an aircraft 52B ‘spark’ transmitter, both initially used for military reconnaissance. There is a possible connection with the Marconi factory in Hall Street where this type of equipment was manufactured.
The second talk Magic Quarter Waves, will be by Tony Gilbey CARS President, as an aerial expert he will discuss the how and why of radio waves and the aerials of all sorts that send out the wireless signals we all use daily.
Finally, after a break for tea and coffee, CARS vice-President Murray Niman, courtesy of his international amateur radio efforts will reveal all about a real hidden gem, the Marconi Hidden Museum. Where is it hidden? You will need to come to Oaklands Museum at 7.30pm to hear the story.
All welcome. Free entry and parking. The purchase of a raffle ticket is requested. Refreshments are available.


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