Hall Street Exhibition 2016

Guglielmo_Marconi_1901_wireless_signalFor the last day of this exhibition a display of the equipment shown in this well known photograph from 1901 has been arranged.

This will include the coherer receiver and spark coil, both originals and would have been manufactured at Hall Street, a Siemens morse inker that was badged and sold by Marconi, a grasshopper key and a Marconi galvanometer.

Update from 29 May

The nearest we can get to the original photograph

Original equipment, generally from around 1901. Here in spirit

Equipment details

P1010148A P1010150A P1010151A P1010149A P1010152A

Here is an interview by Steve Clow (ex Essex Chronicle) of the two gentlemen who brought this equipment to Hall Street for the last day of the exhibition

Marconi Hall Street works – exhibition

This is a short reminder that the public exhibition at Hall Street, Chelmsford opens this Friday 11 March at 11.00 am.

The event will formally be opened by Chelmsford’s town crier, Tony Appleton and Peter Turrall, chairman of the Marconi Veterans Association will be there to show visitors around until midday and to answer any questions. The exhibition will be open every Saturday & Sunday from 11.00am – 3.00pm with Free Entry, finally closing on Sunday 29th May 2016.

Special events planned during the open period include:

Friday 18 March at 7.00pm Tim Wander, curator, Marconi historian, author – will speak on ‘Hall Street and Marconi: Building the Wireless Age’. Tim’s book ‘Marconi’s Hall Street Works: The World’s First Wireless Factory’ is made possible by a grant from Essex Heritage Trust with proceeds from book sales going towards the exhibition. Entry £5.

Friday 25 March at 7.00pm Dave Monk, BBC Essex well known broadcaster, will speak on The BBC and Me and his life behind the microphone. Entry FREE.

Friday 1 April at 7.00pm Ray Clark, broadcaster and author – All at Sea – the exciting story of offshore radio – ‘Radio Caroline’ the true story of the boat that rocked. Entry FREE.

Thursday, 14 April 2016 at 7.00pm Tim Maitlin, Titanic historian, author and broadcaster, will speak on The Role of the Wireless in the Titanic Tragedy on the 104th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. Entry £5.

Friday, 22 April 2016 at 7.00pm Dr Elizabeth Bruton from the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford will talk on The Battle of Jutland. As we approach the centenary of the battle, she will reconsider and re-evaluate the use and impact of wireless communications upon the battle, in particular decisions made by the British commanders. Entry £5.

Please book all these talks on the Chelmsford Civic Society page of Eventbrite. http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/chelmsford-civic-society

Marconi Exhibition – Hall Street

The following information has been received from Alan Hartley-Smith of the Marconi Heritage Group

A Marconi Exhibition will be held from 1st March 2016 at the original Marconi Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company works, Hall Street where Guglielmo Marconi set up his business in Chelmsford in December 1898 (The Company was first registered in July 1897).  As a pre-requisite of the planning permission imposed by Chelmsford City Council the developer, MAC Design and Build Ltd, has to make the building available before alteration and refurbishment work starts.  We have been invited to set up an exhibition on the ground floor of this unique building for 3 months.  It will include rare photos and videos from the archives, and possibly some artefacts, and talks by notable speakers.

This is a volunteer-led initiative by Chelmsford Civic Society and the Marconi Heritage Group in collaboration with BBC Essex.  We are thinking of asking volunteers to do 3-hour slots to man the exhibition and if you are willing to participate on this basis please contact  <tpswaby@blueyonder.co.uk> to offer your services. You can also see

<facebook.com/MarconiScienceWorX> and <facebook.com/chelmsfordcivicsociety>.

At the moment we are thinking of opening Friday, Saturday and Sunday 10.00-16.00 with talks on days in the week when the exhibition will be closed to the public.

We are very conscious that this event, which is being given a very high profile, should prove whether or not Chelmsford wants a Marconi Heritage and Science Centre and will go a long way to convincing CCC/ECC to recognise and support our efforts in a substantial manner.

Chelmsford Science & Engineering Society

Birth of the Signalling War: The Marconi Company’s key role in WW1

by Dr Elizabeth Bruton

Marconi signalling

Members and Visitors are invited by the Chelmsford Science and Engineering Society to a talk on Monday 2nd March at 19:30 at Anglia Ruskin University’s Chelmsford campus.  The talk is in the Marconi Building, Room MAR 001.  Booking for this lecture is not necessary.

Dr Bruton is going to talk about the vital wartime contribution made by the Marconi Company and Marconi Company engineers and staff employed by the British military during World War One.  The focus of the paper will be important developments in wireless communications including radio telephony, wireless interception, and wireless direction-finding and their impact upon the war in land, on air, and at sea.  This talk will also include a local element: the establishment of a signals interception station located in the Hall St. works in Chelmsford.

Further details at http://chelmsfordses.org.uk/events/67-birth-of-the-signalling-war-the-marconi-company-s-key-role-in-ww1

Chelmsford Ideas Festival 2014

This festival runs in Chelmsford from 20 October to 2 November.

As part of the festival, on 29 October there is a talk by Professor Francesco Parasce Marconi, grandson of Guglielmo Marconi, at Anglia Ruskin University.  More details including a link to book tickets can be found at  http://www.changingchelmsford.org/ai1ec_event/space-final-frontier-marconis-creative-legacy-wireless-technology-pushes-us-ever-onwards/?instance_id=915