AGM – 2010, 17 April

The Annual General Meeting of the Marconi Veterans Association was held on Saturday 17th April 2010 at the Marconi Athletic & Social Club following the reunion and luncheon.


1  Minutes

To approve the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 18 April 2009.

Proposed Vic Olley, seconded Raymond Rowe

The minutes were passed unanimously by a show of hands.

2.  Accounts

To receive the audited accounts for the year ended 31 December 2009.

Proposed Gordon Evans, seconded Vic Olley

Passed unanimously by a show of hands.

3.  Committee

To elect officers and members of the Committee.  Following the death of Veteran Arthur Spooner, Veteran Claire Lucas was co-opted to the Committee on 7 December 2009.

All members of the Committee, being eligible, offered themselves for re-election.

The Committee was elected unanimously by a show of hands.

4.  2011 Coaster design

Suggestions are invited for the design of the coaster for the 2011 reunion.

In the absence of any submissions from Veterans Peter Turrall will design the coaster for 2011.

The President for 2011 was annouced.  It will be the ex chairman of GEC, Lord Prior.

5.  Photo CD volume 2.

With the success of the New Street photo CD, we have decided to produce another edition, this time with photographs from other Marconi Companies / sites.

Barry Powell announced that the first CD had sold over 200 copies and requested pictures from any Veteran for inclusion on the second CD.  This will be produced in time for the 2011 reunion.

6.  Any other business

Robbie Robertson presented an update on the GEC Pension fund; he apologised that he did not have much information on the BAE Pension fund.

The scheme is near to acrual, that is, there are very few people still working who are in the fund.  this means that the liabilities of the fund are finite, well defined and sadly declining.  The fund is back up to about 90% of buy-out level due to careful  investments over the last year.  Because of this, the increase in pension this year will be the RPI for January of 3.7%.

The BAE scheme will have an increase this year of 3.71%

In response to a query from the floor on the status of the New Street site, Peter Turrall advised that the site is in the hands of the administrators who are attempting to sell the site in several lots.  The site is used for Essex police dog training but there has been some vandalism and theft on the site and a 200-place car park, for which there is approval, has not yet materialised.  The 1912 front building remains protected and is now boarded up.

7.  Next Meeting

The next reunion and AGM will be on Saturday 16th April 2011 at the Marconi Club.  This will be the 75th reunion.